What We do

Education and Youth Empowerment

We believe education has a direct link to youth empowerment, and hence seek to build the capacities of the youth, through an enhanced access education, especially by the poor, to quality education at an affordable cost.

WASH & Reproductive Health

In the area of water, sanitation and health, we seek to eliminate all personal, environmental and public health risks faced by poor communities, through public health education campaigns, community-led clean-up exercises.

Climate Change Adaption & Women and Girls Empowerment

We work to mitigate the adverse effects of climate change on poor rural populations with an emphasis on young women and girls, who are normally the worst affected.

Good Governance, Social Accountability and Civic Engagement

Our interest in democracy, citizen engagement and social accountability, is strongly founded on our commitment to the advancement of good governance and participatory democracy…

Our Mission

Our core mission is to fight poverty and eliminate vulnerability in society,
through cutting-edge research, evidence-based development interventions and or policy advocacy.

Become a Volunteer

The heart of a volunteer is never measured in size, but by the commitment to make a different in the lives of others.

--DeAnn Hollis